We Adore Him is packed with powerful tools to give adorers and adoration coordinators the best possible experience.
Adoration Scheduling
Parishioners can see which hours are most in need of adorers and can easily make an adoration commitment from their phone, tablet, or computer.
Automated Substitute Finder
Adorers can easily request a substitute—without involving an adoration coordinator. Our smart substitution finder automatically contacts substitutes one at a time until it finds a substitute.
Attendance Tracking
Committed adorers and visiting guests can check in from the adoration entrance by simply tapping their name on a tablet screen or their mobile device.
Adoration Check-In Kiosk
Hands down, the easiest way for adorers to check in to adoration, and for administrators to have instant real-time attendance records, is with our Adoration Check-In Kiosk.
Adoration Phone Number
A fully-automated "adoration line" with texting and calling superpowers! It does so much—so you don't have to.
Adoration Email Address
A special email address for your adoration program that protects your administrator email addresses.
Smart Notifications
Adorers receive adoration commitment reminders and substitution requests in the way they want: text message, phone call, or email.
Sleepy Phone Notifications
Adorers receive text messages and phone calls during daytime hours (unless they want an overnight reminder).
Online Donations
Adorers can easily make a recurring monthly donation on their dashboard to help subsidize the costs of running the adoration program, including We Adore Him.
English and Spanish
If an adorer's language preference is Español, everything is in their native language: text messages, phone calls, emails, QR codes, the website, and the kiosk.
Editable Calendar
Bad weather? Easter Triduum? Quickly close adoration when needed and keep everyone informed.
Message Adorers
Need to change the chapel access code or alert adorers of a snow closing? Broadcast custom messages to segments of adorers in their preferred method of notification.
Import Adorers and Commitments
Bring your data from another system and get up and running in no time.
Secure and Private
Data is protected with industry best practices. Adorer personal information is secure and customizable with administrator privacy settings.
Works on Any Device
There's no bulky software to download. It simply works on any computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
Staggered-Start Mode
Built-in support for a clever method of organizing two adorers per hour, with start times every 30 minutes.
Multiple Commitment Frequencies
Enable additional frequencies that your adorers may choose when making commitments, like one-time, daily, biweekly, and monthly.
Access Codes
Communicate global or per-adorer access codes with your adorers.
Onboarding Mode
Test everything to ensure it's perfect, then switch to Live Mode when you're ready for We Adore Him to start working behind the scenes for you.
Intersecting Commitment Contact Sharing
Adorers can view which adorers have adoration commitments 1 hour before, during, and 1 hour after their own commitments.
Hourly Captains
Share administrative responsibilities with your adoration team via the powerful Captain role.
Commitment Reminders
Help adorers remember to keep their commitments with a customizable notification.
Live-Updating Schedule
Keep the schedule page open to monitor who is at adoration, who just left, and who should arrive next.
Parish Field
Attract adorers from neighboring parishes and keep track of which parish everyone belongs to.
Adorer Directory
Enable the Directory page to help adorers find the contact information of other adorers.
Auto-Claim Substitute Requests
Outstanding substitute requests are automatically claimed when a commitment is made having intersecting dates.
Dive deep into understanding your adoration data with useful statistics and analytics.
Timeline View
Easily spot gaps between past visits and upcoming commitments to ensure Jesus is never left alone.
No-Show Hours
Easily spot hours where no scheduled adorers checked in to adoration—and get notified about them.
Embed Widget
Display a condensed view of your adoration schedule directly on your organization's website.
Paper Check-In Sheets
Can't use our kiosk? Print a daily schedule with the names of your committed adorers for a 2nd-best attendance tracking solution.
QR Codes
Attract adorers to make an adoration commitment by scanning a Signup QR Code in your bulletin.
Approval Workflow
Vet new adorers by requiring an activation code on the signup form before they can create commitments, request substitutes, and view the chapel access code.
Min / Max Constraints
Ensure your adoration hours are full (but not too full) by setting minimum and maximum adorers, globally or per hour.
Roster View
Hourly Captains can easily find all adorers, substitutes, and commitments they are responsible for managing, and print a copy for offline use.
Substitute Availability
Adorers can indicate if they'd like to be a substitute, and when they would like (or not like) to be invited to be a substitute.
Monthly Hours
Adjust your schedule to open certain hours on a monthly basis for scenarios like First Fridays.
Gender Field
Add extra security by marking overnight hours as needing a male adorer.
Printable Schedule
Print and post a copy of your adoration schedule to share which hours are open, closed, and in need of more adorers.
Daylight Saving Time
Perpetual adoration requires the delicate handling of one of life's most difficult realities—changing time.
Internal Notes Field
Keep track of arbitrary information for each adorer and share it with members of your adoration team.
Adorer Ratings
Use auto-calculated scoring to help you find the right adorer to call in a pinch, and identify potential problem spots in your schedule.
Expiring Commitments
Accommodate the transient schedules of students and snowbirds by setting end dates on their commitments.
Address Book vCard
Share your automated We Adore Him phone number with your adorers as an address book contact.
Welcome Email and Text Message
Communicate important adoration policies in the customizable welcome notification sent to new adorers.
Sitewide Message
Communicate important adoration policies, closures, and points of contact at the top of every adorer-facing page on your We Adore Him website.
Transfer Phone Number
Configure a phone number that adorers can reach when they need to speak with a human.
Urgent Hours
Highlight the hours on your schedule most in need of adorers so that adorers sign up for these first.
Adorer Finder
Harvest low-hanging fruit by onboarding guest visitors as committed adorers and substitutes.