See what Adoration Coordinators are saying about We Adore Him.
I'll never go back to sign-in sheets again! We Adore Him is AMAZING!!
Eileen Collopy
The Parish of Sacred Heart - St. Patrick
Monroe, NY
475 adorersThey've gone above and beyond our feedback and maintained a rapid pace of innovation. I wholeheartedly recommend it!
Doug Gallarda
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
Austin, TX
325 adorersWe love the We Adore Him program! Not only is it easy to use and maneuver from anywhere, the support staff is excellent. We recommend this program to anyone looking at a program for their adoration chapel.
Julie McBride
Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish
Scottsdale, AZ
250 adorersWent LIVE with We Adore Him and our membership jumped from 270 to 300 adorers in one month! Everyone at the parish loves it!
Joe Queen
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
Royal Oak, MI
425 adorersWe Adore Him made our large adoration ministry run more smoothly because it makes communication so easy and it's very accessible to all adorers.
Sarah Lalik
St. Anastasia Catholic Church
Troy, MI
525 adorersWe Adore Him is a great fit for our community! Its design is sensitive to each user's comfort levels with technology, making it easy for anyone to use!
Annie Buehnerkemper
Ss. Simon & Jude Roman Catholic Cathedral of Phoenix
Phoenix, AZ
650 adorersWe Adore Him is the best way to communicate with your adorers! I feel like I have under control what's going on, and people like to have that direct, fast, effective interaction. So grateful!
Fr. Santi Scibilia
St. Jane Frances de Chantal Catholic Church
North Hollywood, CA
850 adorersIt used to be we had to know who to call or email when we needed a sub. Spreading the substitute requests around automatically is much easier!
Caine Thomas
St. Patrick Catholic Church
Iowa City, IA
250 adorersWe Adore Him's adoration statistics took hours to create in our old system. The system is intuitive for all users, and the customer service is extremely responsive!
Julia Nowak
St. Ann Catholic Parish
Coppell, TX
775 adorersWe Adore Him cut administrative time for our 24/7 Adoration Coordinators by over 50%. Their team goes over and above in helping us and making timely upgrades. They listen! We are so happy with the program.
Cynthia Pelfrey
St. Isidore Catholic Church
Yuba City, CA
725 adorersWe Adore Him has vastly improved communication between coordinators and adorers, building Eucharist-centered relationships in our parish!
Krysten Fulcher
Church of St. Peter
North St. Paul, MN
500 adorersAdorers love the ease with which they can check in as well as request a substitute.
Bonnie Brever
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
St. Anthony, MN
325 adorersWe Adore Him is the best way to keep Jesus adored!!! ❤️ 🙏
Amy Parigi
St. Vincent de Paul
Houston, TX
1200 adorersWhen I have a question or suggestion, they respond quickly and take into account our growing needs. I highly recommend this program to any church!
Brenda Taquino
St. Bartholomew Catholic Church
Katy, TX
1100 adorersWe Adore Him is indispensable for running our adoration program! Easy to set up, and people love using it. I appreciate how easily I can communicate with adorers. Thank you!
Laurie Keller
St. Stephen’s Catholic Church
Anoka, MN
225 adorersWe Adore Him turned a seemingly overwhelming, unattainable and complicated process into a manageable, user-friendly system which is already bringing blessings to our Parish!
Marie Tracy
Pope Saint John Paul II Parish
Idaho Falls, ID
200 adorersIf you have an adoration chapel, We Adore Him is a must. A HUGE time saver. Never going back to paper!!
Bob Leewe
St. Michael Church Church
Murrells Inlet, SC
400 adorersYou cannot launch a Perpetual Adoration Chapel without We Adore Him! It provides all the tools you need to be successful, and help is only a phone call or email away! Well done!
Winnie Lynott
Saint Ambrose Catholic Community
Woodbury, MN
800 adorersWe Adore Him has substantially reduced the administrative burden of managing our adoration apostolate.
Michael Sirotniak
St. Agnes Catholic Church
Arlington, VA
750 adorersWe Adore Him is not just an incredible product for scheduling and coordinating an Adoration Chapel. It is simply one of the best products I've ever used. It is incredibly intuitive for the coordinators and adorers alike.
Brendan O'Rourke
St. Catharine of Siena Catholic Church
Columbus, OH
500 adorersWe Adore Him transformed the scheduling of our 24/7 Perpetual Adoration Chapel. We recommend it to any parish.
Cindy Parent
Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Congregation
Green Bay, WI
575 adorersOur system improved greatly when we moved from pen-and-paper check sheets to the implementation of We Adore Him, with iPad sign-in, automated text/email, substitute requests, and reminder notifications to all guardians and substitutes. The electronic update was a timely gift from God!
Missy Schmidt
Christ the King
Daphne, AL
675 adorersWe Adore Him addresses scheduling and commitment issues we have been grappling with for years. Two thumbs up! 👍 👍
Diane Vincent
St. Michael the Archangel
Worthington, OH
575 adorersWe Adore Him is a robust and thorough program that makes my life as an Adoration Coordinator much easier. It is very user-friendly and has a ton of resources.
Amy Miller
Catholic Community of Lawrence County
Bedford, IN
125 adorersWe Adore Him saves numerous hours of administrative work and phone calls. Our only regret is not using it sooner!
Kimberly Gillan
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Westminster, CO
975 adorersWe Adore Him helped us better understand how our chapel is operating and identify areas in which we need to improve. I highly recommend it!
Laura Lemancik
Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel
Oshkosh, WI
375 adorers