How do I post a sitewide message for all adorers to see?

Sometimes you may want to post an important message that all adorers see when they visit your We Adore Him site, such as:

  • Instructions for how to sign up and make a commitment
  • Contact information for your adoration coordinator
  • Critical hours that urgently need adorers to sign up
  • Notice of adoration closures
  • A link to a page on your parish website with adoration protocol

To accomplish this, use the Sitewide Message feature.

Customize this message with the Sitewide message field at Admin » Settings » Account.


  • Important: this is a public message, so don't enter any adorer-only, privileged information!
  • This message will appear at the top of your Schedule, Dashboard, Directory, and Help pages.
  • You can enter a Spanish translation for this field by clicking the Spanish tab and entering the translated text.

Kiosk Custom Message

There is a corresponding feature to display a custom message at the top of your Adoration Check-in Kiosk, which all adorers will see when they check in for adoration.

Customize the kiosk message with the Custom message field at Admin » Settings » Attendance.

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