Parish Field

Can one We Adore Him site be used for multiple parishes?

Each We Adore Him website represents a single physical location, namely, your adoration chapel. If multiple communities want to use We Adore Him for several chapels, each physical chapel needs its own We Adore Him subscription.

However, we do support adorers from multiple parishes that all attend adoration at a single location. Attracting adorers from multiple parishes is a great way to grow your adoration chapel!

This is accomplished with our Parish Field feature.

Enable this feature with the Allow adorers to provide their parish field at Admin » Settings » Onboarding.

Optionally, make this field required for new adorers (otherwise, they can leave it empty). Then, enter several options that adorers can select from. But you don't need to add every possible parish in your diocese! An "Other" option is available so adorers can enter a parish not listed here.

Parish Field settings
Enable the Parish Field feature

When an adorer is signing up (or editing their account), they will see a Parish field on the form:

Parish Field on the adorer form
Select an existing parish, or choose "Other"

If the adorer chooses Other, they can enter a parish different from those listed:

Other Parish field on the adorer form
Choose "Other" and enter a parish name

This parish field appears on the adorer's dashboard:

Parish Field on the dashboard page
The adorer's parish

You can find all adorers in a particular parish on the Adorers page by searching for the parish name. To make sure that you are only returning results that match the Parish field, use the special parish= prefix:

Parish search filter on the adorers page
Search for adorers in a parish