Eucharistic Adoration Scheduling Made Easy.

Adoration Coordinators love using We Adore Him to manage schedules, find substitutes, track attendance, and much more!

We Adore Him on multiple devices

Now serving 270 organizations and 86,000 adorers.

Features Every Adoration Coordinator Needs

  • Adoration Scheduling

    Parishioners can see which hours are most in need of adorers and can easily make an adoration commitment from their phone, tablet, or computer.

  • Automated Substitute Finder

    Adorers can easily request a substitute—without involving an adoration coordinator. Our smart substitution finder automatically contacts substitutes one at a time until it finds a substitute.

  • Adoration Check-In Kiosk

    Hands down, the easiest way for adorers to check in to adoration, and for administrators to have instant real-time attendance records, is with our Adoration Check-In Kiosk.

  • Adoration Phone Number

    A fully-automated "adoration line" with texting and calling superpowers! It does so much—so you don't have to.

  • Hourly Captains

    Share administrative responsibilities with your adoration team via the powerful Captain role.

  • English and Spanish

    If an adorer's language preference is Español, everything is in their native language: text messages, phone calls, emails, QR codes, the website, and the kiosk.

  • Online Donations

    Adorers can easily make a recurring monthly donation on their dashboard to help subsidize the costs of running the adoration program, including We Adore Him.

  • Secure and Private

    Data is protected with industry best practices. Adorer personal information is secure and customizable with administrator privacy settings.

  • Works on Any Device

    There's no bulky software to download. It simply works on any computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

...and much more!

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