Adoration Check-In Kiosk

How do we track attendance? Can adorers check in?

Yes, adorers can check in with the Adoration Check-In Kiosk. Administrators have instant online access to all real-time attendance records. This solution is the simplest way to track adoration visits.

Adoration Check-In Kiosk on an iPad
The Adoration Check-In Kiosk

Here's a brief demo showing how adorers interact with it to check in for their scheduled adoration commitment or as a guest visitor:

Checking in to adoration
How adorers check in to adoration

Need Help Setting Up the Adoration Check-In Kiosk?

No problem! We have a complete step-by-step guide for you.

Need a Paper Check-In Sheet Instead?

We have a couple of options for you.

Can Adorers Check In With a Mobile Device?

Yep! You can print a Mobile Check-In QR Code that adorers can scan to check in.