How can I communicate access codes or PINs to adorers?
If your adoration program requires an adorer to enter an access code or PIN to gain entry, We Adore Him can help. You can store a single access code for all adorers or a different code for each adorer.
Enable this feature with the Adorer access code field at Admin » Settings » Miscellaneous.
Global Access Code
If you selected All adorers use the same access code, then enter the global access code. Every adorer will see this access code in the website's header beneath their name when logged in.
All logged-in adorers, including those who have just registered, can view the global access code. Thus, the adorer approval workflow is required to enable this feature, which safeguards access to your adoration chapel from unvetted adorers.
Per-Adorer Access Code
If you selected Each adorer uses a different access code, then administrators and captains can enter an access code for each adorer by editing their account. Each adorer will see their own access code in the header of the website when they are logged in, beneath their name.
Please note: If you want to use the same access code for all adorers but only give this code out to certain adorers (for example, only nighttime adorers), then you can use this setting but only set the per-adorer access code on specific adorer accounts. The access code can be shared across multiple adorer accounts.
Bonus Tips
#1: Adorers can send a text message of CODE or ACCESS CODE to your We Adore Him phone number to receive a response containing their access code. This is very helpful when standing outside the chapel and forgetting the code!
#2: Per-adorer access codes appear at Admin » Adorers. Use the Access code filter to show all adorers with or without an access code. Or search for all adorers using a particular access code by entering code=CODE_HERE in the Search field.
#3: You can include [user:access-code] token in a bulk message, and the system will replace it with the recipient adorer's access code. This is useful if you want to quickly notify everyone of their access code.