Can we print the schedule?
To print the adoration schedule, visit the Schedule page and click the Print button.
A form appears with several options for how the weekly schedule should be printed.
Please note that this method has limitations if being used to track attendance:
- This method is not live-updating, which means it will be outdated if anyone makes a new adoration commitment or finds a substitute.
- This method does not sync up with your We Adore Him website, so you cannot easily track attendance or discover who checked in late.
- To capture guest visits, you'll need to provide a separate sheet for guests to check in.
The best solution is our Adoration Check-In app. It is intuitive, always up-to-date, makes attendance tracking a breeze, and allows guests to check in. Plus, as an administrator, you can see who is making an adoration visit at any given moment on the Schedule page.
Or, you can print the daily schedule for an easy paper method of tracking check-ins at Admin » Check-In Sheets.
Also, at Admin » Roster, you can filter the list of commitments to particular days or times and then print that list for your reference. Learn more.
If you want to print sign-up sheets, we recommend these resources offered by the Most Holy Eucharist Foundation.