How do I temporarily close adoration?

Sometimes you must close the adoration chapel for several hours (e.g., cleaning, funeral, Holy Week).

Here's a guide for the steps involved and other considerations.

Step 1: Close Hours on the Schedule

First, close one or multiple hours on the Schedule page. We recommend the following steps:

  • Click Edit Schedule, select the range of hours you want to close, and click Edit Selected Hours.

  • Select These dates, click the Availability checkbox, and select Closed.

  • Click the Title checkbox and enter a reason why the hours are closed.

  • Click Save to close the hours.

Step 2: Send a Bulk Message

After closing the hours, you will see the list of affected adorers. We recommend notifying them that adoration is closed by sending a bulk message.

Notify adorers affected by schedule changes

Additional Considerations

When you close adoration in We Adore Him, several things are affected:

  • These hours appear as unavailable on the schedule, with the hour's title explaining why. Adorers cannot sign up for adoration on closed hours.

  • Existing commitments remain on closed hours, but no commitment reminders are sent, and visits are not automatically created.

  • Existing substitute requests for these hours are paused. You can cancel them if you like.

  • The Adoration Check-in Kiosk will not display the adorer names to check in for these hours.

  • The commitment date will appear as "unavailable" on the adorer's dashboard.

A commitment where adoration is unavailable on a particular date
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