What is the purpose of the gender field?
We learn in Genesis chapter 5:
In the day that God created man, he made him to the likeness of God. He created them male and female; and blessed them...
And thanks be to God for that!
Enable this feature with the Allow adorers to provide their gender field at Admin » Settings » Onboarding.
There are some practical reasons why administrators may want to know an adorer's gender.
Hours Needing a Male Adorer
Some chapels like to have at least one male adorer at each overnight hour (for extra security). Administrators can configure one or more hours on the Schedule page as needing a male adorer. Learn how to edit an hour.
If an hour needs a male adorer, then the number of its "needed" adorers considers whether the existing committed adorers are male. Also, the Substitute Finder accounts for this when determining which substitutes are eligible to be invited for an hour.
For example, if you want a minimum of two adorers for Mondays at 1 AM, and one of those needs to be male, and two female adorers are signed up for that hour, then the Schedule page shows that hour as 1 needed.
Note: Only logged-in adorers can view which hours need male adorers. Learn more.
Color-Coded Adorer Names on the Schedule
On the Schedule page, you can view each adorer's name in a color corresponding to the gender on their account. This is helpful for planning, especially for those overnight adorers, as described above. Learn more.
- Green = Male adorer
- Pink = Female adorer
- Black = Unspecified gender
To view color-coded adorer names, visit the Schedule page, click Settings, and enable the Show gender colors option.

Note: Only admins and captains can view the gender-coded color of adorers. Learn more.
Making the Gender Field Optional
There are, of course, situations where an adorer's gender is unknown, unknowable, or not desired. For example:
- For couples (e.g., "Jane & John Doe")
- For groups or teams (e.g., "Knights of Columbus")
- For adorers with privacy concerns
- While importing adorers, if you don't know the adorer's gender
To accommodate these scenarios, admins can configure the gender field to be optional.
Customize this feature with the Require adorers to provide their gender field at Admin » Settings » Onboarding.
When the gender field is not required, a third Unspecified option is available on the adorer sign-up form.