Can we print paper check-in sheets?
However, we highly recommend the Adoration Check-In Kiosk to track adoration visits:
- It's the fastest way for adorers to check in.
- It's always up-to-date with the latest information from your adoration schedule.
- It connects directly to your We Adore Him website with a live-updating visit history.
- It's the easiest way to know who is (and was) in the adoration chapel at a given moment.
If you cannot use the kiosk, a Paper Check-In Sheet is a great alternative.
We have two printable options for you.
1. Prepopulated Check-In Sheets
At Admin » Check-In Sheets, you can print the daily schedule for the next several days with the names of your committed adorers already listed.
You may customize the printed sheets in several ways. Options include:
- The range of dates to print. Don't print too many days in advance because these paper copies may soon become outdated!
- Whether to print full names, or first initials and last name (for privacy).
- How adorers should check in:
- Time in, time out: Adorers write down the time they arrive and leave.
- Checkbox: Adorers check a box when they arrive.
- Signature: Adorers sign their name when they arrive.
- How many additional empty rows to include for each hour (for visitors).
- Whether to show phone numbers in the Phone or Email column.
- Whether to include unavailable (closed) hours.
After configuring how the check-in sheets should be displayed, click the Print button.
2. Check-in Sheet Template
We also created a sample document (in three formats) that you may modify for your needs.
Bonus: Mobile Check-In
You might also consider printing and placing the Mobile Check-In QR Code for adorers who have a mobile device and provide paper check-in sheets available for adorers who don't.