How do I send a custom message to all adorers?

One of the essential features of We Adore Him is the ability to quickly communicate with all of your adorers through our Send Bulk Message feature.

For example:

  • A snowstorm is coming, you closed hours on the schedule, and you want to tell everyone that adoration is closed tomorrow.
  • The chapel access code changed, and you need to communicate this with everyone.
  • Hours on the weekly schedule need commitments, and you want to ask non-committed adorers to sign up.

How To Send a Bulk Message

Visit Admin » Adorers and click Send Bulk Message. (Or, filter the list of adorers and then click the button.)

Click the "Send Bulk Message" button to start a new custom message.

The form that appears offers two options:

  1. Send via adorer's notification preference: Select this option to compose a message in three formats (email, text message, and phone call transcript), and send it to each adorer according to the notification method configured on their account.
  2. Send email only: Select this option to send an email to each adorer having an email address. (Note, adorers with no email address on their account will not be contacted.)

Now, click on each field to customize its contents. Please note:

  • The email body can be as long as you need, so feel free to be verbose and use rich-text formatting (like bold, italics, and lists).
  • The text message should be concise. Links are replaced with a forwarding URL to help phone carriers not flag the message as spam.
  • Consider reading important information two times in phone call transcripts. Also, to read out a series of numbers (e.g., for an access code), write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 instead of 12345.
  • Include tokens (such as [user:display-name]) to add a custom detail for each adorer. The list of available tokens is displayed in the help text for each field.

Now, send a test to yourself for each format—this is very important because it helps you find issues that you need to fix before your adorers do.

After you have made adjustments to your message (and sent another test to double-check!), click the Looks good! checkboxes, then click Send Bulk Message.

How to preview and send a bulk message

And that's it! You sent a message to all of your adorers the way they want to be notified, in no time flat.

Now, with all that extra time you saved, you can give thanks in the adoration chapel. 🙏

Additional Considerations

  • If you have English- and Spanish-speaking adorers, see sending a bilingual bulk message.
  • Be careful not to send text messages or phone calls in the middle of the night because you might wake adorers!
  • Blocked adorers don't receive bulk messages. To send them a message through the system, activate their account.
  • Adorers with notifications disabled can be contacted in this way, provided they have an email address or phone number.
  • Guest (or visiting) adorers that do not have adorer accounts are contacted in a different way.
  • You can resend messages. Click the History tab to see a list of previously-sent messages. Find the one you want to edit and send again, and click Use this message.
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