Product Updates Galore

Dear adoration coordinators,

Eucharistic adoration is needed now more than ever. Your efforts to coordinate adoration will bear fruit for many souls.

Here are several updates to your favorite adoration software, We Adore Him.


We have a new Roster page at Admin » Roster to help hourly captains manage adoration commitments and substitutes for hours they are responsible for. Learn more.

The Substitute Requests page at Admin » Substitute Requests was improved to show when each request was started, claimed, and canceled; how long it took to find a sub; and additional filters were added to show sub requests by hour, by requesting adorer, and by claiming adorer.

The Visits page at Admin » Visits was improved with additional features to show visits by adorer and by hour, and to message and export filtered lists of visits and adorers. Learn more.

Need to look ahead several weeks on your schedule? Simply click the date range at the top of the Schedule page to see a dropdown of upcoming weeks and more quickly navigate back and forth.

Need to clean up your adoration commitments now that your chapel is reopening? You can bulk-delete commitments to speed up this task. Learn more.

A Joined field was added to each adorer's Dashboard page (the date the adorer's account was created), and an Updated field was added to adorer exports (the date and time that the adorer's account was last updated).

Also on adorer dashboard pages are new shortcut links to Visits and Substitute Requests for that adorer (next to the "Edit This Account" button).

When you need to bypass the Substitute Finder system, simply delete specific commitment dates—or assign them directly to another adorer. Learn more.

The Substitute Finder got smarter! In the rare cases where multiple people request a substitute for the same date, each invited adorer will only be asked once to substitute for that particular date, and the system will remember their answer for future substitute requests on the same date.

Our system for how adorers respond to multiple substitute invitations via text message is also smarter. Learn more.

When adorers claim a substitute invitation, an automatic commitment reminder is set to notify them a few hours before their commitment. Learn more.

If you have the donations feature enabled, you will find each donor's name, email address, and We Adore Him dashboard URL on their Stripe customer profile. Learn more about collecting donations.

Use the new Collapse schedule setting to automatically hide closed hours on the edge of your adoration schedule—or disable this feature completely. This is is useful if adoration is open only a few days per week, or only during a range of daytime hours. Find this setting at Admin » Settings » Schedule.

Use the new Threshold for notifying admins setting at Admin » Settings » Substitutes to configure the number of hours before an adoration commitment starts to notify admins when a substitute cannot be found. It is set to 3 hours by default.

Looking forward

We have many exciting updates on the horizon, so stay tuned!

If you know of any adoration chapels who would benefit from We Adore Him, please spread the word. Thank you!

Please know of our continued prayers for you, and please remember us in yours.