Visit History

How can I review all adoration visits?

There are several ways to view all of your adorers' adoration visits.

Visits page

At Admin » Visits, you'll find a table that shows the most recent adoration visits. Use the filters at the top of the page to reduce the results to just what you're looking for.

Some things to note:

  • A scheduled visit is one that started first as a commitment and was converted to a visit at the moment that the adoration commitment started.
  • A confirmed visit is one where the adorer checked in at the kiosk. If they forgot and you know they were there, you can confirm the visit by clicking the checkbox in the Confirmed column.
  • A substitute visit is one where the originally scheduled adorer requested a substitute (online or offline), and another adorer claimed the substitute request or checked in as a guest substitute in the chapel.
  • A late visit is a scheduled visit where the adorer checked in after their adoration commitment started.
  • A guest visit is one where the adorer tapped the Guest button to check in. It may have been automatically linked to their adorer account, and they may have checked in as a substitute for a scheduled adorer. The guest contact information is displayed on this page, but you cannot send bulk messages to guests who don't have an account (though you can export this information to contact them outside of We Adore Him).
  • You can create, edit, and delete visits to fine-tune your visit history. This is much easier with the Adoration Check-in Kiosk.

There are several interesting ways to use this page.

Find all adoration visits for a particular adorer

  • Set the Adorer filter to a specific adorer.

Find adorers who checked in for a 3:00 AM visit

  • Set the Show filter to Confirmed visits.
  • Set the Time filter to 3:00 AM.

Find adorers who recently missed their scheduled adoration commitment (or forgot to check in)

  • Set the Show filter to Unconfirmed visits.
  • Set the Date range filter to Last 7 days.

Find adorers who were late to adoration

  • Set the Show filter to Late check-ins.

Find all adorers who were late by 5 minutes or more in the last 30 days

  • Set the Show filter to Late check-ins.
  • Set the Minutes late filter to >= 5 minutes.
  • Set the Date range filter to Last 30 days.

Find all adorers who were late by 10 minutes or more in the last 30 days on more than 3 occasions

  • Set the Show filter to Late check-ins.
  • Set the Minutes late filter to >= 10 minutes.
  • Set the Date range filter to Last 30 days.
  • Set the Having filter to >= 3 visits.

...and so on!

After filtering the list of visits, you can click the Message Adorers button to contact those adorers.

Schedule page

On the Schedule page, all adoration visits appear in a week-at-a-glance calendar view.

Some things to note:

  • Past hours show adoration visits. Future hours show adoration commitments.
  • Confirmed visits appear with a checkmark icon before the adorer name.
  • Hover over past hours on your schedule to view more information about the visits in that hour, such as when they checked in, whether or not they were late, and links to view and edit the adorer (if the visit was linked to an adorer account). Click the cog icon to edit each visit, so you can make it as confirmed and edit other visit details.
  • You can also hover over past hours and click New Visit to fill in adorer attendance for each hour (e.g., from paper check-in sheets).
  • Navigate to past weeks to get a sense of any gaps in attendance.

Dashboard page

On any adorer's Dashboard page, click the Visits link in the top right to view that adorer's history of adoration visits.