
  • Special Activation Code Link

    Now, you can share a unique link with parishioners that, when clicked, opens the "Create New Account" form and pre-populates the Activation Code field with your activation code! You can find and easily copy this link under Admin » Settings » Onboarding: Of course, this isn't necessary. You can…
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  • Introducing We Adore Him

    Hello there! We just launched a new parish offering at We Adore Him is a powerful online tool that helps parishes immensely with the tedious task of managing a Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, saving parish staff and volunteers countless hours. It allows for parishioners to easily…
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  • Send Bulk Messages to All Adorers

    You can now compose a message and send it to every adorer by way of their contact preference: audio phone call, text message, or email! Please make sure images are enabled for this email so you can see my screenshots below. *smile* First, head over to the People page ( update: now called "Adorers…
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  • Allow Adorers To View Basic Contact Information for Other Adorers

    A chapel in Minnesota requested a feature that we think is grand... they have hours where three, four, or even five adorers are signed up for the same time. So, if one of those adorers can't make their commitment, it would make sense for them to contact one of their companion adorers to see if…
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  • Collect Mailing Addresses

    When adorers sign up, they can now optionally provide their mailing address, and you can view their address on their dashboard. We've also added support to our import feature for mailing addresses! ✅ In the near future, you'll be able to easily export all of your adorer's information as a...
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  • Automatically Send Welcome Email to New Adorers

    You can now customize the content of the welcome email that is automatically sent to an adorer upon signing up. This email is sent to all adorers with an email address whether (1) they create an account, (2) you create their account for them, or (3) you import them as a user using our adorer…
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  • You Can Now Accept Real Donations

    In a previous update, we showed you how you can test out the online donation feature with a test credit card. Now, you can accept real LIVE donations from your adorers! In this 3-minute video, we'll show you how.
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  • You Can Now Delete Adorers

    Over the past week, we've been making a ton of little improvements to We Adore Him! One of these improvements is the ability to fully delete an adorer account from the system. It's very easy and intuitive, but if you'd like a 1-minute "how to," then please watch the following video:
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  • You Can Now Import Adorers

    We have been working diligently so that you can import your current adoration list into We Adore Him, and it is now finally ready for you to try out. Please visit the People page ( update: now called "Adorers") and click "Import Users" (top right). Then, simply follow the instructions and shazam…
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  • Donations Are Now Enabled in “Test Mode”

    We completed the ability for adorers to give to your adoration chapel with a monthly donation, and you can test it out using the following test credit card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242. Please watch this quick video to learn more:
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