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We've been working diligently behind the scenes to make We Adore Him more powerful and even easier to use for both you and your adorers. ☀️

You've always had the ability to allow adorers to see other adorers' contact information if the other adorers share the same commitment hour. This is accessible by clicking a link on the commitment on the dashboard, which looks like this:

View adorer with an intersecting commitment
View adorer with an intersecting commitment

This link reveals the contact information for adorers who have commitments directly before, during, and after this commitment!

Here's an example:

Adorers with intersecting commitments
Adorers with intersecting commitments

We've also been hard at work introducing other tweaks. Here are a few:

  1. On the Admin » Visits page (visible only to admins), there is now an Export button, so you can export all visits to a CSV file if you wish.
  2. On the Admin » Adorers page (visible only to admins), when you export your adorers to a CSV file, there is now a "Joined" column in the exported file.
  3. If you add a URL to your "Sitewide message", it will automatically become a clickable link. You can edit this message under Admin » Settings » Account.
  4. You can now toggle on/off the option to show adorers' phone numbers on the Adoration Check-In Kiosk. You can find this option at Admin » Settings » Attendance.
  5. You can now configure how far in advance to start finding subs using the new "Substitute request auto-start" field under Admin » Settings » Substitutes.
  6. Admins now receive an email for each and every substitute request and can easily opt out of receiving these email notifications if they're too much. Simply edit your account to find that option.
  7. A new Help page button appears at the top of the screen. When clicked, it brings up some helpful information and even a tutorial video!

Since we launched We Adore Him exactly 6 months ago, it is now being used by chapels in 13 states and 2 countries!

Do you know of a chapel that could benefit from We Adore Him?

We would be grateful if you would help spread the word.

Thank you!