How To Allow Logged-In Adorers To View Other Adorers' Names on the Schedule

You asked for it, so we created it!

Now, you can allow logged-in adorers to view other adorers' names on the schedule. This is turned off by default.

To find this new setting, go to Admin » Settings » Schedule.

To turn this on, select the checkbox next to "Show adorer names to other logged-in adorers":

Setting to show adorer names to other logged in adorers
Setting to show adorer names to other logged in adorers

When you check that checkbox, you'll be given an option of how to display adorers names, like this:

Setting to format names shown to other adorers
Setting to format names shown to other adorers

Let's say that you choose the second "Name format," which displays adorer names with their first initial and last name.

This is what other adorers will see on the schedule:

Schedule page displaying abbreviated names of other adorers
Schedule page displaying abbreviated names of other adorers

Enjoy! 👍