Disabling the Gender and Mailing Address Fields

We added two new settings at Admin » Settings » Onboarding:

  • The ability to disable the Gender field.
  • The ability to disable the Mailing Address fields.

Why did we add these settings?

We Adore Him considers an adorer's gender for hours requiring a male adorer. There are reasons why a chapel may want to do this (e.g., for extra security during overnight hours), though, in practice, we found that most of our customers don't use this feature.

Also, We Adore Him has no use for an adorer's mailing address, though some chapels using our Donations feature may want to collect mailing addresses for tax reporting purposes.

Should you disable these fields?

Unless you need to collect and use an adorer's gender or mailing address, we recommend disabling these fields.

This simplifies what new adorers must enter when signing up for an adorer account, which is good!

And don't worry, even if you disable the fields, the data is still accessible to administrators by exporting your list of adorers at Admin » Adorers.