Commitments Now Have an Optional End Date

Most adoration commitments are ongoing, and adorers don't know when they'll have to delete/stop their commitment.

There are also times when an adorer knows that they'll be gone for an extended period of time (e.g., 6 months), and they would like to have a specific "end date" for their commitment when their commitment ends.

This was requested by several adoration chapels, so we added the End Date feature.

When creating a new commitment, simply click "additional options" like this:

Additional options when making a new adoration commitment
Additional options when making a new adoration commitment

Along with more advanced recurring options (e.g., "Daily" or "Monthly"), there is an option to choose the Last date from a list of dates ranging 1 year into the future.

You'll notice that the field auto-populates with the correct dates depending upon the type of recurring commitment chosen above. It's really smart!

Last date option when making a new commitment
Last date option when making a new commitment

On the adorer's dashboard, there's a nifty green bar on the commitment that indicates the end date for that commitment. That bar only appears if the commitment has an end date.

Commitment with an end date
Commitment with an end date

When a commitment finally expires (after its last date), admins are notified via email so they can find a replacement on the schedule.

Oh, and one last thing... our Adoration Check-In Kiosk app is ready! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Follow these instructions to get it set up in your chapel. πŸ™