Are substitute requests created automatically for hours with no commitments?
We Adore Him does not automatically start substitute requests for hours with no commitments. Hours without commitments need adorers to sign up until the schedule is filled.
However, while a chapel is still working to fill up its schedule with committed adorers, it can be helpful to find a "substitute" for these hours with the automated Substitute Finder.
Generic Substitute Requests
Administrators and captains can create "generic" substitute requests:
- Hover over an hour on the Schedule page.
- Click Request Substitute for [date].
- Click On behalf of the adoration program.
Generic substitute requests behave similarly to regular substitute requests.
When an adorer makes an adoration commitment with dates that intersect with an outstanding substitute request, the substitute request is automatically claimed. It just works!
Please note: This feature can be abused. If too many substitute requests are created early in adopting We Adore Him at your parish, it can quickly become spammy, and people may ignore future substitute requests or opt out altogether.
List All Generic Substitute Requests
To view all substitute requests created this way, visit Admin » Substitute Requests and set the Requested by filter to Administrators and Captains.