
  • Troubleshooting Failed Emails

    Have you ever wondered why some emails aren't reaching your adorers? Our internal email suppression list tracks email addresses that are unlikely to receive We Adore Him emails. Emails sent to these addresses are silently skipped. Now, you can find these email addresses, resolve the issue (e.g.,…
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  • Additional Adoration Commitment Lengths

    We Adore Him is designed to support the traditional devotion of a "holy hour." However, you might have adorers with 30-minute commitments or even those generous adorers pulling double duty with 2-hour commitments. Today, we added a feature to support additional commitment lengths. Learn more…
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  • Get Notified Sooner of No-Show Hours

    Today we added a setting so that admins and captains can get notified sooner of No-Show Hours. By default, this notification is sent at the end of the hour. For example, if none of the 9:00 AM scheduled adorers checked in to adoration, the notification is sent at 10:00 AM. But if you want to be…
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  • Introducing the FREE Demo!

    We're pleased to announce our FREE We Adore Him demo! Instead of an empty website with no data, this demo is fully populated with sample adorers, commitments, visits, and more. Jump in, click around, and quickly experience how We Adore Him helps hundreds of organizations manage their Eucharistic…
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  • Viewing the Originally Scheduled Adorer on Substitution Visits

    Do you ever wonder why the regularly scheduled adorer's name is missing from the Schedule page visit history? It might be that another adorer checked in for them. Today, we added a slight improvement to the Schedule page to help with this scenario. When hovering over a past hour having a...
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  • Donate QR Code

    Did you know that We Adore Him has a Donations feature? Your adorers can make monthly donations to your adoration program to help subsidize the cost of the adoration software, flowers and books for the chapel, and more. Well, now you can use the Donate QR Code to direct adorers to the donations…
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  • Eliminating Confusion About Substitute Visits

    Have your adorers ever wondered why their regularly scheduled prayer partners weren't at adoration and somebody else was there instead? Well, say goodbye to that point of confusion! Now, when a guest adorer checks in as a substitute for a scheduled adorer, the originally scheduled adorer's name…
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  • Improving Text Message Conversations

    Today we changed how We Adore Him handles incoming text messages that it doesn't understand. You're probably familiar with the automated message sent to adorers: Sorry, we did not understand your message. This is an automated phone number. We now suppress this automated response immediately after…
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  • Announcing the Timeline Page

    We Adore Him provides many ways to view your schedule of adoration commitments and visits: Schedule page Admin » Roster page Admin » Commitments page Admin » Visits page And now, the Admin » Timeline page! The new Timeline page is handy for finding coverage gaps in past visits and future…
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  • Reminding Adorers About "Early Tomorrow" Morning Commitments

    We added a small optimization to commitment reminder notifications. When sending a commitment reminder today for an adoration commitment in the early part of tomorrow (which we define as 12–3 AM), we include the number of hours between now and then. This is especially helpful for one-time...
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