How To Assign a Substitute

We just added a cool little new feature to We Adore Him...

When you view the pending substitute requests at Admin » Substitute Requests, you can now quickly assign a substitute request to an adorer in the system, like this:

Manually assign a substitute to a request
Manually assign a substitute to a request

So, let's say that you know an adorer can't make a particular commitment, and you'd like to assign someone else to that particular day and time. Here's how you'd do that:

  1. Visit the adorer's dashboard by clicking on their name at Admin » Adorers.

  2. Click the "Request Substitute" button for the day and time on their dashboard.

  3. Head on over to Admin » Substitute Requests to assign the request to a particular adorer. Click the green "Sign Up" button as pictured above, and you're done!

Did you know?

We're now serving chapels in California, Texas, Alabama, Oregon, New York, New Hampshire, Colorado, Missouri, Virginia, Massachusetts, and Ohio... with more on the horizon!

Please help us spread the word by sharing We Adore Him with other adoration chapels you may happen to come across. We're truly grateful!