Discover Which Parishes Your Adorers Are Coming From

We are serving a number of chapels whose adorers come from various surrounding parishes... and administrators would love to be able to know who is from which parish. ⛪️

The Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, asked if we could introduce a way to track this, so we figured out a unique solution and launched it!

To turn this on, simply visit Admin » Settings » Onboarding. Then, check the box next to: "Allow adorers to provide their parish."

Next, type out each option on a new line, like this:

Parish field settings
Parish field settings

Then, when folks sign up for a commitment online, they'll be able to choose their parish. If their parish isn't listed, they'll be able to type it in under "Other."

Parish field on the Sign Up form
Parish field on the Sign Up form

As an Administrator of your We Adore Him site, you can easily choose the parish for each adorer by editing their information at any time.

The Adorer's parish appears just beneath their name under at Admin » Settings » Onboarding.

Want to see which adorers are from which parish? Just type the parish name into the "Search" box on your Adorers page. 😊