Daylight Saving Time This Weekend (3/9/2025)

Important note for chapels in time zones that observe Daylight Saving Time:

This Sunday, clocks spring forward from 1:59:59 AM to 3:00:00 AM.

Thus, the 2:00 AM hour "doesn't exist" (or so they say). πŸ•‘ πŸ€”

The 2:00 AM hour still appears on your adoration schedule, but nobody can sign up for it.

Spring Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Saving Time

We recommend you notify the Sunday 2:00 AM adorers to NOT show up for adoration.

Or, don't notify them, and you'll have more adorers at the 3:00 AM hour. πŸ™ πŸ™

To message the Sunday 2:00 AM adorers, visit Admin Β» Commitments and set the Day filter to Sunday and the Time filter to 2:00 AM. Then, click Message Adorers at the top of the page.

You should also notify all Sunday adorers to set their clocks forward an hour because they'll need to go to adoration an hour earlier that day.

To message the Sunday adorers, visit Admin Β» Commitments and set the Day filter to Sunday. Then, click Message Adorers at the top of the page.

To learn more, read our support article about Daylight Saving Time.