Additional Resources

Can you recommend resources to start or expand our adoration program?

If you are looking for help or inspiration on ways to start or grow an adoration program at your parish, please consider contacting one of these organizations.

  • Most Holy Eucharist Foundation - Priests offering Eucharistic missions to parishes wanting to establish perpetual adoration and existing chapels needing renewals.
  • Fathers of Mercy - Religious preachers offering parish missions and conferences on Eucharistic devotion and adoration.
  • Diocesan Rosary Congresses - Lay initiative promoting seven consecutive days of perpetual Eucharistic adoration with hourly rosaries.

We also recommend entrusting your adoration program to the care of these Irish monks:

Our Lady of Victory Adoration Chapel in Hudson, NY, created a short video of fellow parishioner-adorers. Testimonials like this are a powerful way to promote Eucharistic Adoration in your community:

Another idea is to organize periodic gatherings where you all watch a movie together about the Holy Eucharist. For example, we highly recommend Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist (trailer here).